The company has raised around INR 110 crore through three funding rounds, including two seed fundings last year. Fresh Bus currently operates 20 electric buses on routes between Bengaluru-Tirupati and Hyderabad-Vijayawada. The new funding will support the addition of 15 new routes and the launch of 150 more electric buses.
"Our goal is to establish a nationwide network and become the Indian market leader for intercity bussing in the upcoming years. We expect to scale to 1,000 electric buses pan-India over the next four years, generate skilled employment opportunities and offer a green alternative for mass road transportation," said Fresh Bus founder and CEO Sudhakar Chirra.
The latest funding will help the company achieve its ambitious goals by scaling operations, improving technological capabilities, and strengthening its team. It will also finance the growing fleet of electric buses, supporting Fresh Bus's projected growth.
Fresh Bus aims to make a significant impact on India's intercity travel landscape with its vision for nationwide expansion and commitment to sustainable transportation. The infusion of new capital marks a crucial step in this direction, laying the foundation for future development and scalability.
(Source- PTI)
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